Horse safety

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26 04, 2017

Adrenaline: Proof and Patience


Adrenaline Adrenaline plays a huge role in the behavior of horses. Because they are prey animals their adrenaline switch is very easy to turn on and quite hard to turn off. In the wild their survival depends on first noticing danger as quickly as possible and then reacting to it by running away very fast. [...]

Adrenaline: Proof and Patience2017-04-28T15:06:11+00:00
14 03, 2017

Spring Fever


Oh boy! Wonderful, exciting and terrifying all at the same time. For those horse owners lucky, or unlucky, enough to live in a part of the world that experiences winter, spring fever is a real and all too recognizable phenomenon. During the months of freezing cold, with ice, hard ruts and rotten snow covering the [...]

Spring Fever2017-03-14T17:38:27+00:00
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